
Waubra "Olympics"

from 7:00pm Sat, 5 Apr 2014
to 12:00am Sun, 6 Apr 2014

by Cindy Clark
Posted: almost 11 years ago
Updated: almost 11 years ago by
Visible to: public

Time zone: Sydney
Reminder: 1 day before
Ends: 12:00am (duration is about 5 hours)

Come along to the first function for the 2014 season for a night of fun, games and getting to know your fellow Kangaroos! There will be a variety of fun games and activities run throughout the night to encourage everyone to get to know each other and have a laugh!

A bus will be running to & from Ballarat.
There will be meals served for a small cost

Put this in your diaries and hope to see you all there!!